EMPOWER NETWORK your way to Success!!
It's Emma, and the word for today is "Perseverance with Empower Network...Comes Success." I'm here today with more of what you need to stay pumped up for life's journey!! Let me start by saying "it takes perseverance and a whole lot of other stuff to be successful on this journey called life. Being successful requires perseverance, goal setting, focus, faith and work. I am up to the challenge. I hope you are, or at least by the time you read this blog. I am ready to put forth the work and the dedication evolved in achieving my goals because, anything worth having is worth the challenge.
- According to dictionary.com, perseverance is steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. To me this says stay the course despite the difficulties, turbulences or obstacles that I may encounter. I have a purpose in mind and that is to be successful in my business as a Take Shape for Life Health Coach, a Motivational Speaker, an Author and as a Blogger with Empower Network. My desire is to be coachable and receive the leadership of this new company, Empower Network. Click on the button in this blog, view the video and you, like me can achieve success. I am learning the business, as I go. I am moving in the direction that I want to go. I am persevering!! I know perseverence with Empower Network....Comes Success.
- Goal setting is an art, as said by Darren Hardy of Success Magazine. I couldn't have agreed more. It is much more than a New Years resolution. I am learning better the process of setting goals. One of the things I've learned from the training and leadership from Take Shape for Life is call Structural Tension. You must assess where you current are or your current reality. Take an inventory of where you are and write it down. Then write down where you want to be, or your goal. Now, first of all, this allows you to see the big picture or better yet the truth. Many times we fool ourselves into thinking we are one place, and in actuality we are another. I am a visual learner and this has help me to assimilate a lot better. Now, in order to get from current reality to your goal, what will be the steps involved. List them. First, I will need to do A, B, C and D. List the steps realistically. I have blogged daily on my Empower Network blog, providing great content for traffic to come to my site. They see what I have to offer, and then they buy. That was a great example of what happens when we set goals, we achieve them!!/
- Focus defined by dictionary.com is a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity. What we focus on, we bring about. I like to focus on positive outcomes because that is what I want to bring about. Focusing and meditating on success several times a day is an excellent way to bring it about. Preferably in the morning upon awaking and at night just before going to sleep. Many of the great thinkers of yesterday and today both agree as the book says, As a Man Thinketh, So is He. As I embark on this entrepreneurial journey, I meditate and focus often on my success with Network Marketing. We can both become successful together. Click here and join the Empower Network Team to see what it can do for you.
- Faith, faith, faith and more faith. The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of thing unseen, is one of the things the bible says about faith. I know that I will be successful and achieve financial freedom, because of my undying faith. I am blogging and it allows me to give a part of me to you as a point of light. At least, that's what I hope it will be for you.
I invite to leave you comment. Would love to hear from you!! Remember to give a little and get a lolt.
Emma S. Grant
The Secret is Out Check it out for your self. Your future depends on it!!
www.emmasgrant.com and www.emmasgrant.tsfl.com
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