Thursday, August 29, 2013

My 5 Best Tips to Help you Move From Feeling Alone, Useless and Inadequate to Feeling like a Champion Thoroughbred After Divorce

Do you find yourself feeling like you are all by yourself, like no one else is experiencing what you’re going through, after  divorce? What about feeling like you’re just wasting your time, hopelessly going around the same mountain, over and over again. Seem like you’re always putting yourself, seeing yourself different? Well don’t despair. Follow these 5 great tips that will inspire, motive and stimulate the winning champion within you. With these tips in your pocket, you can move forward to live a better life after divorce!  Hurry, let’s get started!
 Tip #1.   For right now, I want you to be selfish. Brag on yourself to pump yourself up! No, I don’t mean in a negative way but, in a positive way by putting yourself first. Stop the madness and do something different that you probably have not done before. I know this may feel strange. Look in the mirror and tell yourself something great about yourself. Say statements like: 1) I am beautiful, sexy and attractive.  2) I have much to offer any person who is deserving of this!   3) I have a bright future ahead of me because I am talented, creative and focused. 4) I love myself deeply first, therefore I am loveable.

 Tip #2.   You know that movie you wanted to see but, kept saying you don’t have the time, well go see it. Well, it’s pass time you got off the sideline and did something. Stop procrastinating! Oh, here’s a good one, “I don’t have anyone to go with me.” Take yourself to the movie for yourself, by yourself.  Buy your own popcorn. Buy your own nacho cheese, candy bar and soda pop. Know that it’s all about you and your joy.

 Tip #3. I do not know about you but, when I get my hair and nails done, I feel like a million bucks. Go and do that for yourself. Send the children to auntie, grandma or perhaps a trusted friend for the day. Grab or purchase a good book, curl-up on the couch and engross yourself. Meanwhile on the couch, turn on a good movie. You know that bubble bath set that you got for Christmas and never used, now is a great time to use it. After divorce is an excellent time to indulge yourself!

 Tip #4. Now, go pull out a notebook and create a gratitude journal. This is one of the most fundamental tool used to recognize all the good you already have in your life. Now you may be looking at your life as if the “glass is half empty.” The Gratitude Journal will help you see your glass from another perspective, “full.” When you look back over your journal in a couple of months, you will be amazed by the amount of things you are grateful for.

 Tip #5. One of the best ways to get your mind off your problem after divorce is to help someone else. Helping someone else who has the same issues as you, does something to you. It allows you to step back and see that yours may not be as bad as you think. It also helps you to see that you are not the only one experiencing this issue. Remember, as you help someone else, it will surely come back to you, as Karma dictates. That motivates and inspires me to do more to help others because I know it will always bring good things back to me.

 These are just a few quick tips to help you move from feeling alone, useless and inadequate to feeling more fulfilled like a champion after divorce.

Emma S. Grant

This entry was posted in Empower Network
Tags: , , Click on the video to learn more. I did and WOW my life will never be the same!!

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