Sunday, December 1, 2013

Take Shape for Life

It’s that time of Year!!

You’re invited to…………….


What are you going to wear to the gathering? The outfit from last year doesn’t fit. Will you have to buy a larger size? No, just Take Shape for Life.
Are you aware that 80% of Americans are overweight? That's an alarming statistic. This time of year becomes difficult for some because of the food choices we make during our family and social gatherings or celebrations. It doesn't have to be. Decide today to empower your body by developing habits of health so you can lose that excess weight and achieve optimal health. Start today so your New Year’s resolution will be to maintain your healthy weight instead of losing weight. It’s never too early get healthy and take shape for life. It's December 1st. Imagine where you could be by January 1st.

Well,  I’ve been there and done that!!~~   But, I made a decision to lose those extra pounds and get into that little red dress I bought a few years back. I started on a great program called “Take Shape for Life.” Was the best thing I did for ME!! I became a coach so I could help other people achieve their weight-lose health goals.

So, YOU decide what you’re going to do!!  Want to learn more about the program??

Click NOW!! to get the support, education, information and guidance YOU need to successfully lose weight.  Oh, by the way, a FREE COACH come with this program.  I Coach by phone anywhere in the USA. Check it out, Take Shape for Life.

Emma S. Grant

                                                                            Click Here!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Every Day Should be a Day of Thanksgiving

Hello Everyone!!!

As I celebrated Thanksgiving here in the United States 2 days ago with my family and friends, I just want to send out a special Happy belated Thanksgiving Day blessing to all my Cyber Friends! If you're not in the states and not one of my internet connections, I still want to extend to you and your family/friends a - Happy Thanksgiving! I know I am a little late. I say, better late than never.

I'm grateful for my life and all that it brings!!
It's been truly a blessing for me and my family .....
Every day is a day of Thanksgiving...

But I want to let you know that I'm also grateful
for YOU.

GOD Bless,
Emma S. Grant

                                                                                    Click Here!

Monday, November 18, 2013

On a Journey to the Next Level with Empower Network


                                                   Journey to the Next Level
I am on a Journey to the Next Level with Empower Network, I am learning so much. You see, becoming an internet marketer was totally not the direction I had envisioned for myself.  When we ask God to order our steps or direct our path, we don't always know where this will lead. However, if we trust our instincts or higher self and continue in the direction of our "dream" we can end up in many different places, which is great!!  This is how I became a internet and affiliate marketer with Empower Network.

As I wear many hats (nurse, author, health coach, speaker and now internet marketer), I continue to live my purpose. When you are living your purpose, all the things you do will always be to enhance your life and the lives of others. So as I pursuit my dreams, some things I know for sure and they are: Always Believe in Yourself and Believe in your dreams even when nobody else does. Never be afraid of doing something different on your journey to the next level. Get out of your own way and just do!! Check out my very first new video, which is entitled: Emma Staggers Grant Jumps to the Next Level with Empower Network 


My Purpose, as I embark on this new journey of making YouTube videos is to impact people's lives so profoundly that they will be forever changed for the better.  Many of you, like me are starting to do different things with your life.  So let me know what your thoughts are by leaving a comment on this blog and on the YouTube video. Feel free to share both. 

Just ride the waves because your journey to the next level may take many twists and turns.
Emma S. Grant
 Be Blessed!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Five Tips to Eliminate Your Negative Thoughts and Develop Empowering Ones

Use these five tips to eliminate your negative thoughts and develop empowering ones. Understand that you are the creator of your life. Take action and reclaim a joy-filled life.

label and acknowledge what you see yourself as being or feeling. Perhaps you see yourself as a failure. Bring it to the surface and realize that this is what you are saying about yourself. Now, ask yourself, “Would I allow someone else to call me a failure?” NO, of course you wouldn’t. So, why are you calling yourself one? SO JUST STOP IT! Turn it around today. Speak positive over

a gratitude list of all the many things that you are blessed with…things that you have, things that you are and things that you’ve accomplished in your life. Look around you, and see with not only your eyes but, with your heart and mind. Here are several example to get you thinking: you have good health, you have your family, I have a beautiful apartment or home, you are able to read about
and learn new things, and you have many means of communicating with others (computer, Phone, IPad), and perhaps, you have a job/career. The list can go on and on.
Emma’s Wisdom #1: Buy a journal. In your
gratitude journal, write a list of two-three gratitude a day. Keep this for a year; look back on all the positives in your life. Doesn’t this make you realize all the great things that you are experiencing in your life. These came about because you are smart, you are creative, you are goal-directed and you are a leader. Know that you are a great person, friend, coworker, parent, or daughter/son.

and acknowledge all of your personal attributes, accomplishments and blessings throughout each the day. Say them out loud and think about them in your thoughts, as often as you can throughout the day. An example would be: I am a great friend. I am creative. I accomplish all of my tasks with ease and confident. I am a great leader. I am a great worker. Start speaking strength and empowerment into your life. You are the leader of your family or at your job. Repeat these affirmations with certitude frequently.

some quiet time in your day, in a quiet place, so you can calm your mind, body and spirit. Practice taking slow deep breath… (In through your nose and out through your mouth). This process quiets your thoughts and mind. At night before you go to sleep or in the early morning are excellent times to practice this technique. Repeat the breathing technique as many times as needed until you are more relaxed and you are indeed breathing slower. Now, with closed eyes, visualize where and what you would be doing or accomplishing as a smart and creative person. Visualize all the places you would go and the things you would be doing. How you would feel, look, dress and act. Visualize yourself as an effective parent and leader in your family, on your job, at your church or
in your community. You have courage! Remember, there is no limit to your vision. Success begins in your mind with a dream or a vision.

the gifts of gratitude, empowerment and visualization technique you just received with someone else, perhaps a neighbor, co-worker, or friend. You’ve heard so many times, that giving is like a boomerang, it comes back to you!!  According to the Bible, the more you give, the more will return to you.  Also, according
to Karma, what goes around, comes back around. Make a habit sharing your gifts daily and you will discover the true source of success.

To your Success,


Please leave a comment. Others are inspired by your words.

For more tips and wisdom,check out my other empowering blog at:


Sunday, September 29, 2013

When Is It Appropriate for Dating After Divorce? (Part 3)

Retrieved from (

This the third in a series of posts on dating after divorce. This just one, among many questions divorcees ask. As I said in previous posts, the answer will vary based on who’s giving the advice. If you look around at what is happening in the world today, divorce has become such a common event that the answer to this question is a must. There are many factors that come into play when addressing this question. Myself and many others believe the answer to this question depends on, just to name a few, such factors as your emotional state, whether you have children, the age of the children, your religious beliefs, your socio-economic situation or timing. Many people struggle trying to figure this out. For the most part, this will be left up to that individual. I will share my thoughts and perhaps the thoughts of others as well.
Let’s talk about this based on the person’s religious belief. Because there is a wide range of religious beliefs when it comes to divorce, there’s likewise a wide range of beliefs about dating after divorce. I believe people’s religious beliefs about divorce will perhaps parallel their belief when it comes to dating again after that divorce. Many people who found it extremely difficult to grasp the truth or ideal that they are divorced, may require a longer lengths of time to emotionally detach themselves from that idea of not being married to that person. Therefore they may have a pseudo-sense that they are cheating on their ex-spouse if they are dating after divorce. Often times this comes from their strong religious beliefs that they are still married for their entire life to that person. I know that sounds kind of awkward but, people actually think like this. Often times as they felt trapped in that toxic marital relationship that lead to the divorce, they still are trapped because they are reluctant to put themselves out there again, in fear of being hurt, again. I say to those people, spend some more time identifying the factors that’s causing the internal struggles. Work through these issues on your own or with a professional before dating after divorce. As you work through these feelings, identifying and finding a more balanced sense of self, joy and peace will come to you. Dating after divorce can be rewarding and adventurous.
Here is an excerpt from an article that discusses dating after divorce:

What are the Possible Consequences of Divorce for Romantic Relationships?

Most who divorce hope to find a more satisfying relationship in the future. Exploring new romantic relationships after divorce can be both exciting and stressful. One important study that followed divorcing individuals for many years after their divorces found that a new romantic relationship after divorce often produced an increase in self-esteem, a decline in feelings of depression, and even decreased health complaints and visits to the doctor.265 These positive outcomes were found when the new relationships provided a sense of security and support and when there was real concern for each other. However, this study also found that some divorced women and men (especially) used casual sex to find the closeness and intimacy that they were missing. These psychological researchers observed that casual sex frequently ended up producing greater feelings of loneliness, unhappiness, and lower self-esteem. Moreover, these feelings sometimes led to substance abuse, which made problems worse. So new romantic relationships after divorce are a two-edged sword: healthy, caring relationships can be helpful but relationships based on casual sex can make things worse. When dating again, it makes sense to be cautious and go slowly.
—Drs. Linda J. Waite & Maggie Gallagher, noted marriage researchers205. Retrieved September 27, 2013:

Whatever hang-ups or issues you have about dating, know that your belief in a higher power, is in favor of more life, more joy and more peace. When you work toward resolution, you are moving in the right direction. As the law of attraction states, positive attracts positive. Therefore you will attract someone in your life who will bring about these same positive feelings when dating after divorce.

To Your Success and Abundance,

Emma S. Grant
Internet Marketer with Empower Network, Author, Health Coach, Nurse, Speaker and Entrepreneur

Leave your comments

Saturday, September 7, 2013

When Is It Appropriate To Date After Divorce? (Part 2)

                                    Happy Children

Dating after divorce is a question most divorcees ask and, the answer will vary based on who’s giving the answer. This is part 2, of this series. If you look around at  what is happening in the world today, divorce has become such a common event that the answer to this question is a must. I believe the answer to this question depends on many factors such as your emotional state, whether you have children, the age of the children, your religious beliefs, your socio-economic situation or timing. Many people struggle trying to figure this out. It is indeed an individual thing. I’m going to tell you what my thoughts are, and perhaps what others think as well.  This article will address dating when children are involved.

Let’s talk about this based on whether you have children and also in relations to the age of the children.  Additionally, the emotional state of the children must be taken into consideration. The impact of the divorce on your children can be more devastating for them, than it was for you.  Now multiply that times the number of children you have, to truly grasp the magnitude of what has to be considered before dating. Please know that the length of time will vary with each child. Again, working with your child through their feelings, is so important and has to be addressed. Their emotional stability depends on it!

Helping them to feel good about themselves and building their inner strengths will always be a step in the right direction.  Additionally, insuring your children that your date is not a replacement for their father or mother. Continuing to be engaged in their individual “activities of daily living” is imperative.  In other words, continue parenting and meeting their emotional, physical, spiritual needs.
When you meet someone, get to know this person before introducing them to your children. Let them get to know your friends and family first, I believe. Likewise, as time progress, get to know their friends and family. I say this because, often times we see people in one light and others see them totally different. They may see character traits that you may not see.

Dating after divorce may take some time for some people and for others, it may be more quickly. Know that there is no rush!  Keeping your eyes and ears open to things that may indicate this person is not willing to connect with you as a parent. That means having a care and nurturing attitude when it comes to your children. Additionally, there has to be a balance in the expression of this nurturing and caring. Again I say, keep your ears and eyes open. Not only do animal possess instinct, human do also.  Tune into them and use them! Another question would be, whether or not this person have children that lives with them? Finally, if this date show signs of not wanting to accept the whole package of you as mother or father, then you need to “immediately move on.” As they say, there are more fishes in the sea. This my not be the right time. Follow your heart.

As you can gather from the discussions above, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration before you begin dating when you have children.

Stay tuned for Part 3 to know when it is appropriate to date after divorce.

Emma S. Grant

I created this blog with a new company to keep you informed and to provide opportunity for financial growth. There is no secret to this because The Secret is Out  Check this out!!

Please leave your comments here or below websites.


Monday, September 2, 2013

When Is It Appropriate To Date After Divorce? (Part 1)

                            Your Emotions 

Dating after divorce is a question most divorcees ask and, the answer will vary based on who’s giving the answer. If you look around at what is happening in the world today, divorce has become such a common event that the answer to this question is a must. I believe the answer to this question depends on many factors such as your emotional state, whether you have children, the age of the children, your religious beliefs, your socio-economic situation or timing. Many people struggle trying to figure this out. It is indeed an individual thing. I’m going to tell you what my thoughts are, and perhaps what others think as well. This is part 1, of this series.

Let’s talk about the emotional state of the individual. I believe some questions has to be answered in terms of whether the person have worked through feelings of sadness, distraught, abandonment and sadness that may occur after divorce. Know that many divorcees have these feelings. Take steps to empower yourself and eliminate these mindsets.

First, acknowledging your feelings or bringing them to the surface is a step in the right direction. Remind yourself every day that you deserve happiness. Visualize yourself as a creative, smart and beautiful individual. Tell yourself you are capable of overcoming any physical or emotion obstacles that comes your way. Connect with your Higher Self. Connect with friends or family who will support and elevate you. As you work through these feelings, identifying and finding a more balanced sense of self, joy and peace will come to you.

 This process may take some time for some people and for others, it may be more brisk. There is no rush!  Know that if these are not resolved, you will find yourself attracting someone who will bring about these same feelings over and over again. Work at resolving these emotions and strengthening your inner self and achieving a balance in your emotions before dating. If you are emotionally stable, chances are you will attract someone who is stable as well. Stay tuned for Part 2 to know when it is appropriate to date after divorce.

Emma S. Grant
The Secret is Out  Check this out!!

Please leave your comments here or below websites.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My 5 Best Tips to Help you Move From Feeling Alone, Useless and Inadequate to Feeling like a Champion Thoroughbred After Divorce

Do you find yourself feeling like you are all by yourself, like no one else is experiencing what you’re going through, after  divorce? What about feeling like you’re just wasting your time, hopelessly going around the same mountain, over and over again. Seem like you’re always putting yourself, seeing yourself different? Well don’t despair. Follow these 5 great tips that will inspire, motive and stimulate the winning champion within you. With these tips in your pocket, you can move forward to live a better life after divorce!  Hurry, let’s get started!
 Tip #1.   For right now, I want you to be selfish. Brag on yourself to pump yourself up! No, I don’t mean in a negative way but, in a positive way by putting yourself first. Stop the madness and do something different that you probably have not done before. I know this may feel strange. Look in the mirror and tell yourself something great about yourself. Say statements like: 1) I am beautiful, sexy and attractive.  2) I have much to offer any person who is deserving of this!   3) I have a bright future ahead of me because I am talented, creative and focused. 4) I love myself deeply first, therefore I am loveable.

 Tip #2.   You know that movie you wanted to see but, kept saying you don’t have the time, well go see it. Well, it’s pass time you got off the sideline and did something. Stop procrastinating! Oh, here’s a good one, “I don’t have anyone to go with me.” Take yourself to the movie for yourself, by yourself.  Buy your own popcorn. Buy your own nacho cheese, candy bar and soda pop. Know that it’s all about you and your joy.

 Tip #3. I do not know about you but, when I get my hair and nails done, I feel like a million bucks. Go and do that for yourself. Send the children to auntie, grandma or perhaps a trusted friend for the day. Grab or purchase a good book, curl-up on the couch and engross yourself. Meanwhile on the couch, turn on a good movie. You know that bubble bath set that you got for Christmas and never used, now is a great time to use it. After divorce is an excellent time to indulge yourself!

 Tip #4. Now, go pull out a notebook and create a gratitude journal. This is one of the most fundamental tool used to recognize all the good you already have in your life. Now you may be looking at your life as if the “glass is half empty.” The Gratitude Journal will help you see your glass from another perspective, “full.” When you look back over your journal in a couple of months, you will be amazed by the amount of things you are grateful for.

 Tip #5. One of the best ways to get your mind off your problem after divorce is to help someone else. Helping someone else who has the same issues as you, does something to you. It allows you to step back and see that yours may not be as bad as you think. It also helps you to see that you are not the only one experiencing this issue. Remember, as you help someone else, it will surely come back to you, as Karma dictates. That motivates and inspires me to do more to help others because I know it will always bring good things back to me.

 These are just a few quick tips to help you move from feeling alone, useless and inadequate to feeling more fulfilled like a champion after divorce.

Emma S. Grant

This entry was posted in Empower Network
Tags: , , Click on the video to learn more. I did and WOW my life will never be the same!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Empower, Inspire and Motivate: Empower Where You're Planted

Empower, Inspire and Motivate: Empower Where You're Planted: Good Day Everyone, Emma Here If this is your first time reading my blog, congratulations on your decision to read my blog.  And, if you&...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Empower Where You're Planted

                                Empower Where You're Planted

Good Day Everyone, Emma Here

If this is your first time reading my blog, congratulations on your decision to read my blog with the titlr, Empower Where You're Planted.  And, if you've been a faithful follower, kudos to you. But seriously,  I try to provide content that will inspire, motivate and elevate your spirits. I believe, when this happens, you can truly experience the abundant life that's already been setup for you! I mean abundance of  love, joy, peace, health and finances. This coupled with and attitude of gratitude, you will become unstoppable.

I want to give you pat on the back. Many of us very seldom receive any recognition. So today, I'm be the first to say to you how grateful I'm to have you visit my Empower Network Blog. You all deserve the accolades, and the recognition.  So on behalf of all the Dream Team and myself,  I want to personally thank of you for seeking out a positive note in this cyber world!

 As I think about who my audience may be, I can imaging seeing the faces of many people. Of course, if you leave a comment, perhaps I will be able to see your faces. Nonetheless, that is not important. However, if I was able to see them, I know your faces reveal a lot of your thoughts, and your feelings. Some are feelings of despair; some have lack of confidence; some with fatigue/low energy; some reveal optimism and some pessimism. Some of the faces I may know or may not know. Whether you’ve been here surfing in search of inspiration on a regular basis or this is your first search, you were brought to this site for a reason. It serves a purpose. Nothing happens by chance. It's all divinely orchestrated, I believe. That purpose is, not only to inspire, elevate, and make a difference but, to be a person of excellence in the lives of your family and the people around you.

 I am here today because I want to share a word or two that will inspire, empower and encourage you to maintain that purpose.    I want you to remember this quote by  Aristotle, that comes to mind and that is: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”

I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to form a habit.  So it’s possible. I believe that life’s experiences help develop and solidify those habits. That is, the good, the bad and the ugly!!

As I matriculated through life (family, career) opportunities presented themselves and I  was able to reinvent myself, because as you know,nothing ever stays the same. Situation may come that dampen your spirits but, you must continue being a person of excellence. In due season, if you faint not, other opportunities will present themselves to elevate and rejuvenate your passion or spirit. Believe me, it will. Make a decision to stay focus on what's important and not get distracted by the adverse events that life sometimes bring. I emphasize to you today, never allow anyone or anything to rob you of your joy and passion. Make a decision right now, from this day forward!! You, may say, Emma what’s your point? My point is to: “Keep the joy and passion in what ever you do.

 Many of you who are reading my blog are from all over the world. I see the stats. That tells me I can make a difference in a big way. With the gift, opportunities and platform that I have, I will make a difference by giving to you "golden nuggets." I blog, not only to give you words of wisdom but, to give you opportunities to have better health,  a better mind and better finances. That being said, Empower Network provided me this platform to spread this good news. Click on the link on this page and be a part of this movement. This opportunity is not just for experienced network marketer but for the novice or the want-a-be's . Check it out now!!  Blog Your Way to Financial Freedom "Click Here"

Let Your Light so shine, so others will see the Godliness or Goodness In you. Not only in you but, in what you do. Remember, you and only you are responsible for your happiness, your joy. I‘ll say it again as Aristotle said:  We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

I will leave you with another paraphrased quote by Zig Ziglar: Your attitude determines your Altitude…

What you do and how you act right now determines your level of success. So, don’t stop being positive, don’t stop being upbeat, don’t stop having a joyful attitude. Continue practicing compassion.  Empower where you’re planted.

Emma S. Grant

Know that on my blog, you are always welcome to share a comments. Get a little and give a little. You never know who's life you may impact. Commenting is giving. What you give will always come back to you. Leave your comments!!!  My book, "Divorced, Now What"

"Click Here for Free Health Coach"    Take Shape for Life Optimal Health Program

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Perseverance With Empower Network .....Comes Success



           EMPOWER NETWORK your way to Success!!

It's Emma,  and the word for today is "Perseverance with Empower Network...Comes Success."  I'm here today with more of what you need to stay pumped up for life's journey!!  Let me start by saying "it takes perseverance and a whole lot of other stuff to be successful on this journey called life. Being successful requires perseverance, goal setting, focus, faith and work. I am up to the challenge. I hope you are, or at least by the time you read this blog. I am ready to put forth the work and the dedication evolved in achieving my goals because, anything worth having is worth the challenge.
  • According to, perseverance is steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. To me this says stay the course despite the difficulties, turbulences or obstacles that I may encounter. I have a purpose in mind and that is to be successful in my business as a Take Shape for Life Health Coach, a Motivational Speaker, an Author and as a Blogger with Empower Network.  My desire is to be coachable and receive the leadership of this new company, Empower Network. Click on the button in this blog, view the video and you, like me can achieve success. I am learning the business, as I go. I am moving in the direction that I want to go. I am persevering!! I know perseverence with Empower Network....Comes Success.

  • Goal setting is an art, as said by Darren Hardy of Success Magazine. I couldn't have agreed more. It is much more than a New Years resolution.  I am learning better the process of setting goals. One of the things I've learned from the training and leadership from Take Shape for Life is call Structural Tension. You must assess where you current are or your current reality. Take an inventory of where you are and write it down. Then write down where you want to be, or your goal.   Now, first of all, this allows you to see the big picture or better yet the truth. Many times we fool ourselves into thinking we are one place, and in actuality we are another. I am a visual learner and this has help me to assimilate a lot better. Now, in order to get from current reality to your goal, what will be the steps involved. List them. First, I will need to do A, B, C and D. List the steps  realistically. I have blogged daily on my Empower Network blog, providing great content for traffic to come to my site. They see what I have to offer, and then they buy. That was a great example of what happens when we set goals, we achieve them!!/

  • Focus defined by is a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity. What we focus on, we bring about. I like to focus on positive outcomes because that is what I want to bring about. Focusing and meditating on success several times a day is an excellent way to bring it about. Preferably in the morning upon awaking and at night just before going to sleep.  Many of the great thinkers of yesterday and today both agree as the book says, As a Man Thinketh, So is He. As I embark on this entrepreneurial journey, I meditate and focus often on my success with Network Marketing.  We can both become successful together. Click here and join the Empower Network Team to see what it can do for you. 

  • Faith, faith, faith and more faith. The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of thing unseen, is one of the things the bible says  about faith. I know that I will be successful and achieve financial freedom, because of my undying faith. I am blogging and it allows me to give a part of me to you as a point of light. At least, that's what I hope it will be for you.
As I close this blog on 8/24 /2013, and as I work to achieve success, I hope it makes a difference in your life and challenge you to never give up on pursuing your goals to become successful. I will continue to have perseverance with Empower Network.....Success will come!!

I invite to leave you comment.  Would love to hear from you!! Remember to give a little and get a lolt.

Emma S. Grant
The Secret is Out Check it out for your self. Your future depends on it!! and

Friday, August 23, 2013

Empower Network....Empowering Youself for Life

Most people know that you can influence others through your works, your words and your demeanor. But if you are demonstrating your works, expressing your words and revealing your demeanor in a positive way, you then are empowering them. I know empowerment denote positivity. It is just not enough to influence, which can be negative, we should always strive to empower each other. As we empower others, it will never return to us void. What we put out, we will get back. I call that the boomerang effect.  Wouldn't you want good coming back to you. I don't know about you, but I would. I work hard at disbursing positive nuggets to family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, and strangers (perhaps you)!!  With Blogging through Empower Network, I able to spread many positive nuggets to everyone in the world. That is so fantastic!! Check out my site on Empower Network at:  

When on this site, click and watch video. Empower Network can benefit all types of marketers, affiliate marketers, network marketers, newbie internet marketers and veteran marketer. Which one are you??  Many have doubled or even tripled their income. Empower Network could work into your life and grow your business as it 's doing for me.

Another thing that came across my mind today as I worked on growing my business. When we make a decision to work intensively to better our conditions (our business, our lives or our families) we often times encounter people who are not in alignment with our goals and aspirations. When we have a desire to move to the next level, many times we are not always ready to endure the stretching and the uncomfortable encounters  that may accompany this advancement.  However, if we persevere, and keep our eyes on where we want to be, instead of where were are now, we will achieve our goal. Stop focusing on where you are and apply more focus on where you want to be. Believe you can and guess what? You will! Your thoughts drive your future reality.

Somewhere in the bible it says, pray without works is dead. I work on several things and wear my hats.  I learned early how multi-task, like many of you. I believe if I continue to persevere, I will acquire all the abundance that God has for me. For that reason, working on developing a better me from the inside-out, will better assist me in achieving my goals. I work on personal development daily. One of the thought leaders, Jim Rohn says in order for things to change, you have to change.  When I decided to be a better me, I discovered my purpose. My businesses as a Health Coach for Take Shape for Life: and an author of my first book, "Divorced, Now What?:  are all product of living my purpose.  Empower Network is no different. I am here to motivate, empower and inspire people to live a more abundant life.   More abundance of peace, more abundance of joy,  more focus, more abundance of health, more abundance in your finances and more abundance of success. I am blogging to share with others the abundance in my life and perhaps I can be an example to you. You too can join this Network and express your gifts to the world. I welcome your comments.  Until next time!!

Emma S. Grant

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Success with Empower Network

Hey Everyone!!
I just attended a fantastic webinar presented by one of the leaders with Empower Network. It was fantastic. She shared so much great information on how to grow your business on Face Book. This is my first week with Empower Network and it has been phenomenal!! I attended lots of educational training that truly help you leverage your business. The Face Book Marketing Training just one of them. Empower Network provides a means of selling digital training so you can obtain passive income from marketing your own business or being an affiliate with them. Click right now on the link and watch the Video so you too can begin to grow your business like I did.Success with Empower Network.....

Right now I am pumped up an committed. I am in the business of empowering, motivating and inspiring people to live a life of abundance. You can be as excited as I am about your life. I know my purpose as stated above. Sharing and providing opportunities to people that will change their lives for the better is what I'm all about. Perhaps you've always had all the luxuries that life has to offer, perhaps not. Now it really doesn't matter. All that matters is that you want to elevate yourself now, grow your business or provide a better way of living for yourself and your family. Well, like I said, I've have through Devine connection, come in contact with a group of people who are truly committed to helping you get to the next level of abundance. Empower Network provide the tools, training and leadership for anyone to accomplish their goals. They are full of gratitude. I say to God be the glory for all the wonderful things He has done in my life.  He is in the blessing business. Because of my faith, perseverance, and work ethic, I will achieve every goal I put for in the universe. I Believe that you can and guess what? You will also. I am going to press forward and blog myself to financial freedom. I invite you to join me. Go ahead and click on the video link to see for yourself. Do like me, invest in your future right now. Empower network, the Dream Team and grow your own money tree!!

Emma S. Grant
Oh, I almost forgot. Check out my other businesses.
Health Coach with Take Shape for Life...
My Book, "Divorced, Now What? Loaded with tip and wisdom to move you from sadness and distraught to having more joy, peace and being more focuses..